TÓCSA Film Screening and discussion


Saturday, 11:15-12:45

King's Grove

Tócsa was an innovative summer camp between 2010-20 - loosely based on the Bánk tradition of roleplaying. The characters, the storyline and all the dramaturgic twists and turns were co-authored by children and adults. Improvisational theatre, stand up comedy and underground experimental musical genres both influenced the weird and beautiful aesthetics of Tócsa. Outcome is a wild and seriously funny narrative that merges dreams and fears, connects natural surroundings with the news and events of the "grown up" society.

Klára Cserne
Klára Cserne is a game-master and storyteller - currently finishing her artistic research PhD dissertation on hungarian ‘70s experimental performing arts and jewish rituals and developing a non-traditional card-game named Kő-kő-kő or Block-block-block in English.